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infogr8 - 360 Brand refresh

Strategy / Art direction / Branding / UX & UI / Website / Animation


infogr8 is a visual data storyteller that have been at the forefront of showing meaning and value in data since 2012. They pride themselves in delivering award-winning work with accuracy and agility. Unlocking data to reveal its true stories – and its true value – in visual, interactive, and entertaining ways that everyone can understand.


infogr8 are going through an exciting growth trajectory as the agency develops it’s capabilities in connecting data, content strategy and design. infogr8 wanted to develop a bold creative theme ‘Creativity that counts’ to present their value proposition to a board of audience across digital outputs.


Explore the art direction for creativity that counts. Every word, picture, second of people’s attention counts. Cuts out the fluff, waffle, diversion or waste of time. Double meaning in counts which also refers to data. The 360 brand refresh has several moving parts to connect the dot; Website audit, Value proposition, website redesign, product list and social output

My responsibilities

As the Lead Experience Designer, I collaborated with the Content Strategist, Data Journalist, Information Designer and Web Developer to visualise the 360 campaign. I helped;

  • Conduct series of face-to-face liaison workshop/meeting with CEO and internal team from kick off to final output of the project

  • Defined objectives of the story to change behaviour, raise empathy, inspire and enlighten

  • Create the creative direction, style tile, wireframe, high fidelity design and animation



Building brand integrity

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Create engaging visual content.

There’s a difference between the stories brands want to tell and the stories audiences want to hear.

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Develop data driven strategies.

Using strategy to find the right narratives, finding insightful data to craft and formulate user experience.

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Building product experiences.

Building engaging data-driven products tailored to meet business objectives and audience needs.

Data is everywhere, so every word counts…

Richard Silvester, Founder and CEO, infogr8

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Project Moving parts

It was important to keep the moving parts connected throughout the project. To do this, I regularly presented the stages in the projects process to the CEO, senior stakeholders and internal teams. Keeping feedback concise and communicating the next steps to help manage expectations.

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01 - Value proposition

I collaborated with a Content Strategist to define the approach to refresh infogr8’s brand, putting together a concise internal document amplifying the message of the brand. Bringing clarity to their mission statement, anchoring their brand pillars and cementing the visual grammar for infogr8

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 02 - Website Audit

I collaborated with a Content Strategist to generate an analysis on what works well within the old infogr8 website and areas with room for improvement. I put together a concise internal document to look deeper into the content from a macro to a micro level, site speed and architecture. Bringing clarity to their mission statement, anchoring their brand pillars and cementing the visual grammar for infogr8

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03 - Website design

At this stage, I was able to identify the creative direction required for the website design. Defining the value proposition and gathering report on the website audit gave me a clear indication on how the website will communicate with the audience. Below is a set of design decision I have made to create the refreshed look.


Interaction experiments

Prototype experiment 1

  • Exploring further the Creativity that counts theme, I created the first prototype that will inspire and excite infogr8’s audiences. Using numeric digits as a signifier counting up to 8, applying the data treatment established from the mood board

  • I introduced a brief intro to the offerings Strategy, Intelligent content and Product design. Accompany the intro with visuals that help connote infogr8’s offerings


  • It was too vague using numbers counting up and needed a more direct approach to communicating the creative theme

  • The animated content needed to be more subtle and compliment the message of infogr8’s offering

Prototype experiment 2

  • Added a rising bar to the right of the counting number to compliment the idea of the number counting up to the screen

  • Stripped the animated visuals back on the offerings section; Strategy, Intelligent content and Product design – to illustrate the idea that data is an integral component in the offerings


  • The rising bar was not creating an added value. After series of conversation with the CEO, we concluded on the idea of create a video that would encompass the creative theme in a more impactful way

  • The data animated visuals for infogr8’s offerings complimented the overall theme and was less distracting when reading the copy

Landing page - Design problem

  • High drop off rate due to lack of engaging elements on landing page. Users see a mesh over the case studies list that has no value to them. No clear signpost as to what the users are prompted to do next

  • Navigation is not visible, making it difficult to understand where the user is, can be a turn off and no added value

Landing page - Design solution

  • Inspire and excite the users. By utilising the real estate to tell a story of how infogr8 collaborates and build work they are proud about. Using key visuals from the campaign video and white space to cut through any fluff

  • Keeping the navigation bar separate from the creative will indicate a better way finding approach to users, and aligning the strapline to the logo speaks volume

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Home content - Design problem

  • The case studies on the home page does not communicate what infogr8 offers in the correct context. With no clarity on what value they bring, it is impossible to garner interest from potential collaborators

Home content - Design solution

  • Educate the users. The what we do page has been structured into problems and solutions that mirrors infogr8’s approach to projects. Categorising specific products per offerings. We don’t do - blogs (offering statement)

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 Quality assurance &… launch!

Great interaction design feel effortless to users. They omit unnecessary elements and use straightforward language. The best way to attain simplicity is through thoughtful reduction. Thus, we tried to achieve it by discussing every screen during our weekly meetings and iterating until everyone was satisfied with the outcome.


Drop me a line to learn more about infogr8 360 brand refresh