
I’m OJ Kareem

Brand & Product designer who is intrigued by technology, sports and fitness


I help brands
develop ideas.

Create user experiences to engage with diverse audiences. I appreciate crafting robust UX that puts the user first, with a particular focus on communicating messages that resonate in a natural and emotive way.


Some pressed briefs.


McDonlad’s monopoly UK.

Developing data driven strategies.gif

infogr8 360 brand refresh.

Showcase_career insight widget.jpg

Career insight widget.


Lost in Translation.


Gold retail insights.



More Pressed projects coming soon.

If you would like to be notified when new projects are live on my site, please enter your name and email. Or you can drop a line about other enquiries, I would get back to you quicker than you could have 10 cups of orange juice :) Chat soon!